River Way 3  2 Coal Creek Misty Morning

Coming in April 6th, much of my art will be in the Painted Tree Boutique in Sunset Valley. The Grand Opening is on April 20th. field

Primal Gallery in Dripping Springs has been my art home gallery for several years and will continue to be. Lavender in tub

Stay tuned for more information. This is a sample of the original art hand painted greeting cards that will be available.

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Roadrunner series

The Road Runner watercolor series, are part of a series of local road runners that I have been sketching and painting for some time. It adds a new dimension to my art, as they are watercolors mounted on cradle boards and sealed. All watercolor art can be seen at Art for sale.

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See Art in Oil or Acrylic are at Art for sale.

Art in exhibits are not priced in this section, please contact me for availability and price.
See commissioned and past works in the Galleries.
Some prints and giclée’s are available. Please contact me.

The Art Stores have Art available for sale under each category.

Don’t forget to contact me for your pet portraits.

Discuss your mural or floor cloth ideas, you’ll be surprised how easy the design process goes.

Contact Me

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